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  • Exercise Was the Perfect Coping Mechanism, Until It Wasn’t

    New York Times | August 2022

    “Hacking at myself was simple self-harm, with no bright side, and so it had been comparatively easy for me to stop. Quitting overexercising was more difficult because it was praised instead of pathologized.”

  • I Edited Mental Illness out of my college applications. I'm not Alone

    New York Times | December 2022

    The same crisis that leads to an outpouring of support for a wealthy child might cause a foster youth to be sent to a locked facility, prescribed antipsychotics and forced to change schools.

  • 'Troubled’ is a mystifying book about elite hypocrisy

    Washington Post | February 2024

    Rob Henderson’s memoir argues that the upper classes support social justice causes to improve their own status at the expense of those below them.

  • The Problem of the Orphan Plot

    The Nation | July 2023

    The child welfare system has served as a convenient narrative device for novels, podcasts, and the like. A new book interrogates what we think we know about foster care.

  • As a poor kid I was ashamed of my mom’s shabby gifts. Now I get it.

    Washington Post | December 2023

    “As far back as I can remember, Target’s clearance section was my mom’s happy place, especially after a bitter custody battle that left her a single parent, saddled with health problems, debt and an angry adolescent.”

  • Help! I Wrote to Prudie for Advice and Emi Nietfeld Answered.

    Slate asks Emi Nietfeld to weigh in on family jokes, a shocking pregnancy announcement, and listless fantasizing in their ‘Dear Prudence’ column.

  • My Mom Claims I Had A Drink With My Rapist. I Investigate.

    Boulevard | 2019

    Noted in The Best American Essays 2021, nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Winner of the Boulevard Emerging Writers Contest.

  • Self Portrait As a Human Interest Story

    Longreads | December 2019

    “If you’ve read a newspaper, you know me: I was the high school senior who overcame unbelievable odds to win swell prizes.”

  • The Problem With Quiet Quitting

    Fortune | November 2022

    “Most people aren’t hustling to self-actualize. Most of us are hustling to survive.”

  • There's a good chance you'll regret quitting your job

    The Atlantic | March 2023

    Intense work can be exhausting and burnout-inducing—and thrilling. Walking away isn’t so easy.

  • I Couldn't Distill My Trauma Into A College Essay

    Teen Vogue | February 2023

    “During the time I was applying to colleges, I lay awake nights, terrified no one would believe my story. If I messed up any aspect, I was sure I’d face scrutiny and punishment.”

  • Infra Dig

    The Rumpus | February 2020

    “One month after I graduated high school, I was raped. Three weeks later, I was on my hands and knees in Northern England excavating Roman ruins.”

  • My Teeth Grinding Changed the Shape of My Face

    VICE | August 2018

    “Botox could potentially treat both my bruxism and the underlying trauma that may have caused it—so I gave it a try.”